The 2024 film Dead Sea is a crime-horror thriller directed by Phil Volken. The story revolves around Kaya, a young woman who, along with her two friends, faces a nightmare after being stranded in the open sea following a tragic jet ski accident. They are seemingly rescued by a fishing vessel, only to discover that the ship’s captain harbors dark, sinister intentions. What began as a rescue quickly turns into a fight for survival, as the friends are drawn into a deadly game aboard the ship. Kaya, the protagonist, must confront the horror of their situation, trying to outwit the captain and escape the increasingly dangerous environment. The film explores themes of trust, survival, and betrayal, blending intense psychological and physical terror as the story unfolds. This tense thriller, with its claustrophobic setting and escalating danger, delves into the darker side of human nature and the extremes people can be pushed to when their lives are on the line .